Sometimes reality is more important than principles
Good time to get on financial front foot
Being aware if putting all eggs in one basket
Agreements can have hidden consequences
Banks learn from past financial crises
Use extra time to broaden knowledge, skills
Lay down rules at the get-go to avoid confusion
Get banking advice as help is available
Coronavirus forces businesses, unis to adapt
Country areas full of resourceful residents
External praise can help create confidence
Top operators use many tools
Regional areas reliant on selfless volunteers
Good legal advice worth the cost
Friends provide important perspective
Enjoy a break to improve work-life balance
Lending climate shifting again
Value in reading foreign perspectives
Changing business culture takes time
Long-term plan helps businesses thrive
Advisory boards encourage new ideas
Listen to others before offering advice
Scepticism about loans program misplaced
Peer groups have profound influence
Courses offer opportunity to build networks
Great opportunities come from ‘impossible’ ideas
Quiet times ideal for making plans
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